Swamplesque is a homage to the phrase, “Shrek is love, Shrek is life” through the arts of burlesque and drag. Like most burlesque shows, audience members are strongly encouraged to cheer the performers on – they get offended if
you don’t and they will let you know!

To kick off the performance, there are some disclaimer announcements to ensure the audience knows this is an 18+ performance. It is definitely not kid friendly and definitely not endorsed by Dreamworks.

This was such a fun, high energy show, that perfectly executes and elevates the adult humour available to the story. From the moment the iconic “All Star” by Smash Mouth starts and we are introduced to our favourite ogre, you know exactly what type of show you’re about to witness. Although parts of the original story we love is missing from this production, you don’t even notice because you’re too busy anticipating each character’s performance.

The character highlights for me were Lord Farquaad entering the scene on their knees and then feeling their own masculinity with a fan dance and Gingy shaking the fabulous booty they were given. I also enjoyed the Shrek vs Princess no.3 strip tease off. I must also give a special shoutout to the Magic Mirror; I love that they gave the Magic Mirror its own musical moment. The Unknown has nothing on it!

This one hour performance is hilarious, silly, fun and full of debauchery. If you are a fan of the movie, burlesque or drag, I highly recommend you check it out. I left with a sore voice from cheering and laughing.