Lady Macbeth Played Wing Defence by WA’s CRASH Theatre Company returns after selling out at FRINGE festivals across the country, now with a rewrite tailored for high school audiences.

This adaptation of the Shakespearean classic takes place in a setting known for its on-court drama – the high school netball court. Young Mac Beth is a fiercely competitive year 12 student who believes her rightful place is as Captain for the Dunsinane Hell Hounds. Coach Duncan’s doesn’t agree, and her decisions kick off a power struggle as Mac Beth’s ambition and rivalry push the team to their limits.

This show is fun, hilariously funny and cleverly blends the Shakspearean world with contemporary life. The three witches from the original story are reimagined as the glamorous ‘Dagger Divas’, a trio of singers who add a fresh take on the haunting prophecies of the original Macbeth.

CRASH theatre company tell stories of impact. They’ve cleverly modernised the story of Macbeth to highlight themes commonly experienced among today’s teens – competitiveness, friendship and teamwork. While the Shakspearean classic has a rather bleak ending, this version offers a more positive resolution with understanding and forgiveness helping to unite the team.

Featuring a high-energy combination of theatre, music, and dance, the performance is driven by a pop-synth soundtrack from award-winning musician Project BEXX. It’s a vibrant, engaging production that brings the Bard’s tale to life in a fun, modern way.