Annabelle Crabb is a beloved journalist and social commentator. By adding ‘stand-up comedian’ to her resume, I don’t think there is anything this Wonder Woman cannot do.

In her one-woman show, Annabelle delivers a fast-paced and highly entertaining breakdown of the fifty key lessons she learned in her first fifty years.

Beginning with Annabelle’s upbringing on a South Australian farm, each lesson is taken from a moment in her life. In these brief snapshots, Annabelle runs the audience through her ‘must know’ lessons. Most of these tales are funny and self-deprecating, while others are deep and thoughtful. Then there were those nuggets of gold that could be classified as just really good general advice. One gem in particular: ‘Don’t get a rabbit. It never ends well’. This is something I can relate very well to.

Among my favourite stories were those taken from filming her hit show Kitchen Cabinet. Some moments worth noting include her recollecting her time in law school with Penny Wong. Then there was also her reading a snippet of Clive Palmer’s poetry, which paired nicely with the anecdote of how he offered Annabelle a copy of his book on screen, then discreetly took it back after filming.

Annabelle is authentically warm and generous, having the audience captivated from the moment she walked out on stage. It felt as though we were sitting at her kitchen bench, chatting about life over a cup of tea and cake. It was an evening well spent and if you ever get the opportunity to attend one of Annabelle’s shows, I highly recommend it.