At a time where Western Australia remains a blessed state and our semi-ironic city pride runs deep, Perth-centric initiatives like Bell Tower Times offer comedic content that is a cut above the rest.

Playing into this concept, experimental theatremaker Michelle Aitken has unleashed her own Perth-themed video series called Michelle From Perth. In these science videos, she takes a deep dive into a quintessentially Perth topic – and let me tell you, it’s refreshing, hilarious and above all, highly educational.

Working in independent theatre, Michelle has nailed all kinds of milestones like directing the award-winning Blue Room Theatre production, Unrule, and performing in Colossus this year at Perth Festival. However, local artists like Michelle have had a year’s work cancelled and had to adapt as a result of the pandemic.

While isolation has been a period of idleness for most, Michelle has kept herself busy by studying Science Communication online at ANU – which led to her creating the science video series for an assignment. The project proved to be the perfect way for her to incorporate her arts skills while making the transition towards online work.

Thus, her unique video series was born! Throughout each episode, the information Michelle presents is fascinating and her ability to inject such effortless humour into her work makes the series a valuable watch.

With episode one being about ibises (or bin chickens, if you will), Michelle from Perth delivers all the facts on this iconic bird that you never knew you needed. That’s right, all done in an impeccably DIY-ed paper-mâché ibis costume and complete with superb animations. Even better, her newly released second episode revolves around the iconic Bayswater Bridge – a true icon that only people from Perth would understand.

As Michelle says, she intends to encourage people to constantly learn new things, while engaging with and appreciating our urban environment –especially since we’re not going travelling anywhere soon.

Find more of Michelle’s work here:

Youtube: Michelle From Perth 

Episode 1 | Ibises: YouTube and IGTV

Episode 2 | Bayswater Bridge: YouTube and IGTV 

Instagram: @michellefromperth