Missed out of your Fringe Fix in Feb (or January)? Never fear! You have another opportunity for fun, with Bogan Literature performing their version of Pride and Prejudice at Rooftop Cinema in Northbridge.

Presented by Perth Fringe favourites, BS Productions and ARTRAGE, the season is running from 15 Apr 2023 – 7 May 2023.

As a huge supporter and fan of all things Fringe, I was ready to giggle and fall in love with a whole new Mr Darcy. We booked tickets for opening night, but when a downpour postponed that opportunity, we were invited back a couple of days later.

The strength that this show has is that with a cast of only 5 people (and one puppet), there was a great variety of character development. With a simple change in hat, wig or jacket, a completely new character emerged which brought a witty and fun element to the show, alongside some very funny moments.

The storyline was of course strong, based on such a classic novel. With quirky elements like an unexpected nutbush and a supporting female character who had little dialogue, but really said so much, there was much to enjoy.

I would have loved to see more ‘bogan’ in the bogan literature script. It would have been fun for the storyline to just go a little wild with Ford Falcons vs Holden Commodores, men in black jeans with mullets or to throw in a few – yeah nah – responses.

All in all, this is a fun, leave your worries at the bottom of the lift, settle into your beanbag with a tinny and a burger, Fringe show.

Get all the info here.
