If you think A Circus Sized Game Show will be just another regular Circus Show like every other Circus Show out there – you’re 100% wrong!
The Multi-Award Winning “One-Man-Circus” Morgan James invites all the children and adults in his audience to participate in a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style event that guarantees that no two shows will ever be the same!
The audience fun and interaction begins before guests even enter the tent, and continues throughout the immensely enjoyable and highly engaging 60 minute spectacle. This is not “just another show” where you sit in your chair and simply watch someone perform cool tricks and dangerous stunts on stage! The people in the audience are part of the awesome decision making in what happens next, which contributes to the unpredictable fun and humour that A Circus Sized Game Show is all about!
Would you like to see Vintage tricks or Futuristic Tricks? Would you like to see Morgan juggle lemons or something more cooler? What’s your favourite animal? Who can locate box number eight? Who wants to be a duck on stage?! And many other choices and questions that determines what comes next in the show!
Marvel in awe and astonishment as Morgan balances a ladder on his chin, and juggles fire sticks….while suspended in the air! And you’ll definitely be dancing in your seat because this show has some catchy music to keep you grooving throughout the whole performance.
Located in the (air-conditioned) Spiegel Tent in The Pleasure Garden in Northbridge, this interactive and super funny production is perfect for all ages and is wheelchair accessible too. You will not regret an afternoon with Morgan James at his Circus Sized Game Show!

Only ONE show left this Fringe season! Grab your tickets HERE!