Stand up comedy is tough – but this young guy from the country is far from a bumpkin. Hardy Croucher owns the stage with his presence. While he cuts a dapper figure in a refined city slicker suit, he is equally as dorky and silly as his jokes.
Hardy has a quirky approach. He is witty and upbeat – even with a life of adverse experiences!
But adverse experiences lend themselves to comedic gold, don’t they?
Hardy is only 18 and has been doing stand up since he was fourteen. In his short life, he’s already dealt with heartache of a relationship breakdown and mean people. That said, I reckon he’s had more interactions with amazing people as he’s rubbed shoulders with comedians across Australia in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and 2 Class Clowns competitions in Melbourne. (Side note: Is Melbourne where all the silly people go?!?!)
Be prepared for audience participation, and many confused and dazed faces, as he taps into the silly and absurd. His is an approach that differs from other acts I’ve seen. The self-proclaimed Sheriff of Silliness unleashes plenty of late “oh, we get it now” laughs from the audience that in turn make the rest of the audience laugh at their seated buddies’ belated giggles too. You know those moments, when you literally pee your pants laughing at someone else laughing??
While this show M rated, there isn’t any overtly “adult” content. It doesn’t relying on heavy swearing either to carry him through. I can’t quite pick his accent – though when in in full British mode, he sounds identical to local favourite Andrew Silverwood!
I found myself constantly smiling, and giggling at some of the audiences guffaws and bursts of loud body shaking laughter!!
The Good, The Bad and The Hardy runs until 25th January, so get in quick!