The creative soul in me adored this whimsical interpretive dance performance. With three talented performers dressed as various garden critters, the show delivered a delightful mix of imagination and artistry.
From the start, my daughters were captivated, especially when we were handed fake flowers to hold. The standout moment came as the performers had us raise our flowers, sprinkling them with glitter and water to “make them bloom.” It was pure magic for the younger audience.
The bouncy “ants” tune had the kids giggling, while a slower scene featuring a performer draped in a long cloak with deer antlers left them mesmerised. The dancers’ skill was evident, not only in their movements but also in their expressive faces, which brought the choreography to life as they leapt, twirled, and “bopped” across the stage.
My four-year-old found the show enchanting, but my more practical eight-year-old struggled a bit with the absence of dialogue. I explained that it was a dance performance rather than a play, which helped her engage with it.
To end the experience, one of the performers led a 15-minute yoga session for the kids, cleverly incorporating the flowers as props for breathing exercises. This was a calming and thoughtful way to conclude the performance.
I’d recommend this show for children under 8, though older kids with a curious and open mind may enjoy it too. Go in with a sense of wonder and a willingness to spark your creativity… you won’t be disappointed!